X-Men: Renewed
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Join date : 2013-09-24
Age : 28
Location : United States

The McKay House  Empty The McKay House

Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:16 pm
It had been a slow sort of day.

Sunlight had slowly filtered in through their bedroom curtains, casting warm dappled light over the pair of them still curled under the age-softened blankets that covered their bed. He could feel the warmth of the late morning sun slowly blooming across the bed while the light that accompanied it pulled him gently back into the land of the living. Slowly, so slowly, awareness crested over him of the day before and with it, the migraine that had yet refused to leave. A quiet groan followed; this particular one was strangely reluctant to let go of his poor battered psyche.

The heavy arm draped over his waist twitched at the sudden noise. The man had called, Laz remembers suddenly. He’d called the school the night he had picked him up from his building dazed and disoriented and still dripping blood from his nose. It was something Sam had done before when a migraine was severe enough that even he would admit to the pain, and the school had become so used to such occurrences by now that they were willing to let him take a few days to rest and recover in the quiet of his own home. The man behind him rumbles softly in the dimly lit space of their bedroom, most likely also roused from sleep by the near noon sun. That same arm draped over his waist curls and drags his skinny, pale form tighter against his and oh, blessings this fine morning, Sam had seen fit to shed his shirt at some point the night before.

It takes a token effort, but he manages to roll his body over to bury his face in the bare chest of his husband. Truly, it was the little things that made life worth living.

“I’m sorry for falling asleep on you last night,” he tries to say. The reality of it however, is a muffled grumble stifled by blankets agnes's the skin hes pressed against.. He can feel the answering rumble now, close as he is. It takes a moment for the man to respond; Laz can feel the cascading stretch that works its way down the length of the other man. Even the fingers that had been draped across his waist splay before coming back down to trace lightly along the length of his spine.

“It’s fine.” Sam finally huffs out, more sleepy than truly annoyed. “Don’t worry about it.” Laz’s eyes flick upward just in time to watch the man’s lips curl back in a truly impressive yawn. One of the nature documentaries that had come on earlier that week as he had worked through marking papers comes to mind, the way certain snake’s teeth could pull forward. “Coffee?” Sam’s lips smacked back together as his eyes glanced downward towards the smaller man buried both underneath the blankets and his arms.

“If you're making it.”

Sam smiled back at him, eyes crinkling in familiar lines. “As you wish.” The damn man then had the nerve to fold himself up into a sitting position and let the blankets pool around his waist. Laz was left adrift in a sea of cotton, no delightfully warm anchor to ground him. He had to let him know and so he did, voicing his displeasure in a low groan and burying himself deeper into the blankets that were left. “I have to get up if I’m making coffee.” Sam had tried to explain. “Caffeine helps your migraines, you know that.”

He did. Laz could already feel the migraine from yesterday begin to crest again, more aftershocks than anything else, from where it had been quietly simmering since he had woken. The main event had seemingly passed with the nosebleed and he was left here the day after to deal with whatever fallout was left. He had suffered some rather awful episodes throughout his very long life and while modern living brought with it some very lovely medicines, a dark room, plenty of quiet, and a few cups of coffee helped more than most.

He’s distracted from his thoughts by a large, calloused hand in his hair brushing the pale, messy stands back away from his face. Any tangents his thoughts may have been about to go on are quickly aborted as his world narrows to the feeling of nails gently scratching his scalp.

“I’ll be right back. Won’t be long.”

Oh that simply wouldn't do. Laz knew his husband, knew he wouldn’t leave without… he turned his head at just the right moment to catch the lips that had been meant for the side of his forehead with his own. Sam had simply accepted it, laughed softly against the curve of lips insistent on drawing him back into bed. ‘Sneaky,’ he had murmured softly as Laz had wound his hands around his neck and pulled him back down on top of him with a self satisfied smirk.

Coffee could wait.


He had pulled himself out of bed a good half hour later, not long after Sam had tugged an old t-shirt over his head and left to finally make the coffee he had promised. The day was his, he had nowhere to be, and he was feeling particularly better thanks to a very specific someone. It was an absolute pity one couldn’t just fuck a migraine away, but damned if Sam wasn’t one to try. He appreciated the ambition.

As it was, he had wandered into the kitchen wearing a pair of sweats he had bought for himself, one of very few pairs purchased almost exclusively for days like this. He had also snagged one of the college sweatshirts he had bought Sam from the university bookstore. It was massive on him, the hood of it wide enough to expose the swathes of dark ink that stretched from the bottom of his jaw to disappear further past the fabric. The sleeves of the thing had to be rolled up to grant him even the slightest semblance of control over his hands. It was large, well worn, smelled of his husband, and was the closest thing to wearing an actual blanket.

Pale hands grabbed two scones from the counter coming in, trading one a moment after for one of the two cups of coffee Sam had already fixed. Laz leans himself against the counter and lets his blue eyes track Sam as he puts away creamer, sugar, and the various mess of spices he liked to throw in his own coffee.

"Are you going into work today?" He asks around the rim of his own mug. Sam shakes his head.

"Already told Uus. There's nothing that really needs me in today anyway." That did remind him though, maybe he could text the man to pick up his motorcycle from the school. Last spice now tucked away in the drawer, he slides next to Laz against the counter and pulls out his phone. He can feel the man watch as he types.

To: Uus
Grab maple and pick up my bike if you have a second today. In front of the history building on campus

Uus had replied a moment later with a single letter 'k' and Sam had tucked his phone back into his pocket. Dark hands reached behind him for the counter and the scone Laz had left there for him.

“I’m all yours.” he hummed as he bit into the pastry. Laz watched him, a small smile on his face as he sipped his coffee.

“All mine, hmm?”


‘All mine’ had turned into the two of them on the couch; Laz with a previously ignored novel in hand and Sam with his tablet in his own, the brightness setting turned all the way down. The lights in the living room were turned low. Only one lamp on the nearest side table to Lazarus lit his pages bright enough to read. Something soft was playing on the television, just enough to be a pleasant distraction. But not enough for Lazarus to truly know what was playing. Sam had refilled his coffee cup until they were out while nursing his own. Halfway between when they had settled there and the sun fading, Sam had grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over the both of them. His arm had tucked Laz comfortably against him and Laz hated to admit it, but he had fallen asleep again not much later.

He was woken only to the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Blue eyes blinked sleep from them and glanced up towards the man behind him; Sam had looked just as confused as he felt.

“Were you expecting someone?” Laz had yawned. “Uus, possibly?”

“No…” Sam’s brows had knit together in confusion. “Shop’s not closed yet, they wouldn’t be able to yet.” His own eyes glance down towards Laz. “You’re not, are you?”

“Heavens no. I haven’t had my phone on me all day.” He looked towards the door.

The doorbell rang again.

“Well whoever they are, they’re persistent.” Sam shifted to move and answer, but a pale hand on his chest pushed him gently back.

“I’ll do it. You’ve been getting up all day, I’ll grab this one.” Laz stood and stretched. A few select joints cracked and popped with the movement. "Hopefully it's simply some sort of salesman i can berate and send on their way for bothering us this late hour.”


The house that they had pulled up to was certainly… strange. It had been tucked away in a forgotten corner of the historical district and only a street away from a local river. They had had to drive their poor van down a series of cobblestone streets to even get here, passing other just as historical, just as quaint homes. Certainly scenic, undoubtedly expensive, but also… strange. There was really no other way to put it. An old three story victorian, the first thing that really came to mind was some sort of historical haunted house. The paint outside was dark, the detailing and edging along the roof elaborate. Flowerbeds circled the home and were host to immaculately cared for hostas and shrubs. Looking up at the windows, dark curtains blocked out most of the sunlight from entering the home.

Really, a vampire lived here. It was the only explanation.

To be honest though, Tobi thought as he rose from his spot in the back of the van, it had been strange beforehand. The voices that kept bothering him, even at Jake’s house, they’d been quiet. Respectful. Sure they were still near, but they had whispered to him like little kids trying not to get caught doing something they weren’t supposed to. Gone were their little hands trying to grab at bits of his mind, gone were the invasive screams, even the big guy had backed off. Tobi had looked out the patio window before they had left to see him staring at him from a treeline in the distance.

“Sorry kid,” he had heard then, like there was no distance between them at all. “Rot ain’t want us ‘round.”

Rot, always whispering ‘bout a ‘rot’, a ‘crow’, a ‘decay’. He ain’t ever seen nothing like that in his time on campus or in town, and them spirits or whatever they were refused to elaborate beyond the vaguest description.

“A black feathered fiend.” one had whispered conspiratorially to him as he walked to the van before darting off. He’d tried to grab for it, but another ran past hot on the first’s heels. That one had simply turned to him and held a finger to its lips. He’d gradually watched the lot of them disappear, the voices gradually leaving with them. The lack of them after so long left him… dizzy. Like strings that had been holding him up had been cut and only the one was left, forcing him forward foot after foot. He’d crawled into the van as the others had stuck themselves in the two front seats. It was hard to concentrate on anything they might have been saying, considering that he was just about to pass out from sudden fatigue, but he had mustered a thumbs up that he’d hoped would satisfy them enough to start the van and head off towards whoever they’d decided would be able to help.

And now they were here. In front of this spooky ass house where some poor soul was supposed to help the lot of them. Slowly, he had dragged himself out the van. Every breath was a struggle; felt like his god damn lungs were just about to give out as the three of them walked up the short set of stairs to get to the front door. Silver eyes rapidly draining any black from the white sclera blinked hazily at the wreath adoring the dark wood. ‘Certainly had good taste in decor.’ he managed to think as Jake shifted Noelle on his shoulders to better ring the doorbell.

One quick glance back towards where he knew only the big guy had followed. The look in those same silver eyes was almost apologetic as he turned to wave.

“Sorry. This is as far as i get’cha.”

Tobi hadn’t known what it had meant up until the front door clicked open. That last string, the one that had been keeping him upright, snapped as the giant's influence left him for good this time. All the hurt he’d been ignoring, all the exhaustion, all the pain and confusion and fatigue swelled and crested over his beaten body. Knees already shaky buckled under the new weight of it as his eyes rolled back. He’d ended up hitting the floor hard and had just barely missed the man standing there with the edge of the door still in his hand.

Standing there in the doorway was Lazarus McKay, mentor to Noelle, esteemed head of the history department, and Jake’s own history professor standing and looking down at the passed out form of Tobias in his doorway. Where the man was usually dressed impeccably, here he was in an old, too large sweatshirt, tattoos more exposed than they ever had been, with hair still messy from sleep. Behind him, a dark skinned man with an abundance of hair tied up was still looking at the group of them from a couch in the living room, eyes wide and confused.

There's a long moment where no one says much of anything.

“Jake, Noelle.” He finally looks to the both of them. “Why is Tobias in my doorway?”
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Age : 28
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:52 pm
“Maybe we should leave.”

Noelle had been dragging her feet in the pavement since Jake helped her out of the van. Foot, she reminded herself, Foot. Only one-foot mad contact with the ground. The other was a stump covered in layers of plastic that just followed her body. Just had run out of trash bags quickly, so now she was held together by saran wrap and a prayer. Luckily, only her left arm was also a stump of ooey, gooey mess, and not both. Jake offered to be her crutch, and she hated it. She hated it so much. She hated having to be carried around. She hated how Jake was constantly putting down towels around his apartment.

She hated how Tobi looked at her.

Noelle knew he wouldn’t say anything, but after their decision to email, call, and TEXT her mentor, she could tell that he was getting frustrated. Feeling trapped. This whole situation was absolutely her fault and she was just pulling him along. That’s all that she ever did- take Tobi by the shoulders and steer him exactly the last place he wanted to be. First the whole mess with her father, then the cafeteria, and now?

It was enough to make her want to dissolve away.

Noelle winced.

Bad choice of words.

She could feel the soft, silky voice in the back at her mind plucking that thought and putting it away for later. It scratched an itch, but like a mosquito bite, it just made the desire stronger. Without thinking, she tried to grab Tobi’s hand, to pull him away from here and to somewher lovely. But, it was too late. They had already made it to the door to the house (somehow, she did not expect the illustrious professor to live somewhere so dark and bleak. Dramatic as he was, Noelle always imagined him around natural light), and Jake’s finger had pressed the doorbell. Once. Twice. And then, finally, the door clicked.

Just as Noelle tried to squeeze Tobi’s hand, he pitched forward into the porch. A soft, choked scream pulled from her throat as Jake turned, letting go of her to kneel down to the larger man. Which, of course, made Noelle unsteady on her one singular foot, and with the fear that her Boyfriend might have just DIED on HER WATCH clinging to her heart, she nearly toppled over. Luckily, Jake had the sense to stand back up, just in time, to catch the girl from falling.

Dark brown eyes met the bright blue ones at the door, confirming that yes, they did make it to Dr. McKay’s house. But that was the only thing RIGHT with the image. Well, that, and his husband hanging in the back. But the oversized sweatshirt, the sweatpants, the scraggly hair, the tattoos? Everything was just so… bizzarro world. Perhaps when she fell, the gloop took her to a parallel universe. Where her boyfriend punched his friend, Jake was actually competent, and Lazarus godamn McKay was WEARING A RATTY OLD SWEATSHIRT.

“He’s breathing- I dunno what did that.”

Jake gave a smile, but it wasn’t as broad, wasn’t as energetic. His own eyes were still watery and his skin was waxy from his cold. But that didn’t stop him from opening his mouth. Simultaneously, he and Noelle gave the following testaments:

“Dr.McKay, we are so so so sorry to barge in like this. You see, I had an accident where, well, you see, I lost my cat and I thought my roommate got rid of him and I was so worried that I lost control because, you see, back when we were in the cafeteria, my mutation… evolved in a way that not only can I create things from the ink- Jake, stop- but I was also stuck in the ink and now…”

“Dude! Sorry to bust in. To be fair we did call you, text you, email you, everything. This was the last shot. So, uh, how are you? We’e been better, obviously. Uh, yeah Tobi just started doing that. But Noelle’s been- don’t tell me to stop! I’m trying to help!- you know how she had them gloves? Yeah, she has all this squishy ink stuff that comes out her hands and legs. Well. You can see that…”

This goes on for several minutes, but neither mouths grow tired. They had been waiting for answers for so long.
Posts : 538
Join date : 2013-09-24
Age : 28
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:47 pm
He watches the two still-conscious college students in front of him collectively rant their situation to him in horrifying stereo. ‘Really’, he thought, ‘of course something like this was going to happen today.’ He had been too comfortable, too relaxed, the migraine just starting to ebb fully away. The universe had decided to punish him for the audacity of trying to have a day without any of this nonsense. Blue eyes really take in the state of them; Tobias was obviously unconscious. Still breathing though, thank goodness for that small gift. Honestly, it looked as though the young man had just fallen asleep there rather than lost his verticality like a tree cut at the base. Almost peaceful, really. He had seen it before, had almost figured Tobias’s power was something with a massive energy cost like Sam’s. The man had come back to him several times over the course of their relationship, settled in some corner or bed, and not moved for weeks at a time after having to use more of himself than he had planned.

Jake seemed to at least be his usual self, if a bit subdued. Somehow quieter despite the stream of consciousness he was currently working through. Noelle though… he was beginning to understand why the girl had missed their lesson. A black viscous liquid had entirely replaced one of her legs and a bit of her arm. She looked harried, flustered, a whole slew of other adjectives his own tired mind didn’t care to reach for. All he could really do was raise a hand to rub at the mounting pressure in his head. Sam was behind him still on the couch, still confused as to what was happening. One hand raises to shush the still frantic pair in front of him.
He motions towards the massive college student taking up most of the entryway with the other once the two have gone quiet.

“Samael, if you could…”

The bare footsteps behind him are the only welcome sound in this moment. He can feel his husband gather Tobias from the floor as easily as he carries Lazarus on nights he falls asleep in places not their bed.

Blue eyes open once more behind fingers still rubbing at his temples. “Come inside.” he orders Jake and Noelle. “And tell me again. Slower. And quieter.”

He turns, not waiting for them to follow him into the living room. He can see Sam set Tobias on one of their roomier armchairs, more a chair and a half than anything else. The poor young man’s legs are spread long onto the ottoman in front, and Sam is kind enough to drape the blanket that they had been using earlier over him. It’s quiet as he sits back onto the couch; Sam’s hand rests briefly on his shoulder as he quietly murmurs about getting some towels and another cup of coffee. God bless the man.
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:17 pm
As her mentor stepped aside and invited into her home, Noelle’s heart picked up once more. She was surprised her heart hadn’t given out entirely over the course of the entire day, but here it was, testing the limits yet again. It almost leaped out of her chest in protest when Dr. McKay’s husband (Sam, she reminded herself, his name was Sam and also some sort of immortal, primordial mutant from the beginning of time that probably thought she was the biggest mess he had ever seen) hiked up Tobi like a sack of potatoes. The sticky goo that was her left arm began to expand and cover the length as her anxiety grew but calmed when the man gently laid the other down on a seat inside.

“Noelle. Come on..” Jake mumbled, trying to nudge her inside. With a tentative step, she dragged herself forward, small droplets of ink following her. She didn’t notice immediately, her focus primarily on the richly decorated house and the dark interior. Jake was also distracted, particularly of the large kitchen just out of view, not noticing the haphazard fluid spilling onto the wood floor.

It only took a few moments before Noelle did take notice. With a soft squeak, she began to chew her lip once again as Jake knelt down, using his shirt to soak up the small stains. Noelle could feel the heat rise to her cheeks in hot embarrassment as she tried to get her voice back.

“Dr. McKay? Perhaps… Maybe I should stay on the porch. And not make a mess… I’m sure you and your husband were not expecting guests. I’m sorry… I just… I don’t know what’s happening. It all happened so quickly and… I am not quite sure what even happened. I was here yesterday morning and then…”

Her voice trailed off as she heard the words. She sounded crazy, that was for sure. Noelle looked away, the blush burning once again even brighter.

Jake, meanwhile, mopped up whatever he could before looking up and saying in a voice thick with illness and tiredness. “Listen, Dr. McKay. She’s been having trouble with this since after the cafeteria blown-up. She used her powers, you know when she reads stuff and like the stuff actually appears, and something… shifted. I dunno. But the ink she used to make all those animals and trees and rocks real? Well, those things started getting inky again and it was like… trying to pull her in. She was super stuck. And it seemed fine and hunky dorey and all that until later that night? Ink pooling up on her hands. And it kept happening and getting worse. And All I got out of Tobi was that she sunk into it and disappeared. We drove around looked for her for like hours. Ended up out of state until-”

Jake’s body retched back and winded up am almighty sneeze that flung him forward. Snot dripped off his nose before he rubbed it on his sleeve “Sorry. Got a cold.”
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:17 pm
“Oh please.” he sighs from his place on the old sofa, eyes closing shut against the slow sort of chaos in front of him. “It was a quiet evening in. I’m slowly becoming accustomed to interruptions like these.” There’s no real venom in his voice despite the words. The well lived in cushions behind him cradle hsi thin form as he leans to rest his head against the backrest.

“Really though. What am I going to do with you.” He mutters behind the hand rubbing circles around his eyes. “So many years of peace, I knew something would come along eventually.” He can feel the two of them doing something in front of him, moving around in a way thats still quietly alarmed. Probably to do with how Noelle is dripping what looks like a thick, black fluid onto the floor from the place where her arm and leg used to be. She’s speaking now, apologizing to him for the mess and that just about confirms it, doesn’t it? Jake’s adding more now, but that’s simply detail, simply filler. It all sounds rather familiar anyway; he figures he had most likely gathered the gist of it during their collective word vomit spewed while on his porch. The hand covering his eyes lifts enough for him to look down his nose towards the two of them; in the shadow it provides, the irises appear to glow like white under blacklight, impossibly electric blue.

“Please. Sam’s bringing towels for the lot of you. I’d prefer you not sit before then, but you’re more than welcome to stay.” He sighs. The man isn’t far anyway, he can hear the faint sound of their linen closet on the second floor closing with footsteps descending down the stairs a moment later. Sam emerges with his arms full of towels and quickly makes his way over to where Noelle and Jake are standing to offer the mass of them to the college students.

“They’re the bad towels.” He reassures Noelle as he hands them over, seeing as how she eyes them with an air of ‘I don’t want to ruin these’. “I use them to clean off grease when I come home. See, look.” Soft cloth turns over in his rough hands to show several dark spots before gently wrapping her hands in it. “He’s been meaning to buy more anyway.” Green eyes flick conspiratorially towards the pale man on the sofa and he leaves the two of them with an easy smile.

With that taken care of, he pads barefoot to the kitchen to grab the mug he had left there. Laz shifts in his seat with his final return, making room for the man and grabbing the steaming mug in one smooth motion. Sam holds out a hand, Laz palms the medicine in it to his hand, and chases the two white pills with a long sip of coffee. The glowing vibrancy fades from his eyes, but he doesn’t seem to notice or care as he stares down the two of them.

“Tobias is alive, more than likely burned himself out.” He begins. May as well start there, alay most of the worries that they may have had. Beside him, Sam nods.

“I’ve done it myself. He needs rest, time to recover.” He says. “As do you. Please, sit. No offense to either of you, but you look a bit.. Unsteady.” He eyes Jake rather pointedly as he says it.
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:02 pm
Jake did not wait long after the offer was made to pull Noelle to the couch, dragging her across the worn towels under their feet. Jake felt the old fabric crunch beneath his chuck’s, but Noelle stayed stubbornly in her place. She was staring at Lazarus, with her large brown eyes. He gave another quick tug, trying to get the leaky girl to budge. Nope. Nada. Zero. She had the strangest expression on her once-bespeckled face. Jake had seen it before when she was looking for an answer that just slipped by her grasp. But she finally followed through with the last tug, and began slowly to limp across the little pathways of stained towels, leaving new spots in her movement.

Finally, they landed on their spot on the couch, a spot that was marked with more ‘old towels’. Jake gently places Noelle down, before sitting just far enough away to be able to catch her if another limb disappeared, but also giving her some independence. He figured she would appreciate that. Meanwhile, he turned his attention to the house and the books that were everywhere! Bookshelves, book piles, book stacks. Slowly, he began to understand why Noelle had a fondness for the stern professor. Jake only had him for the past semester and DAMN- he was strict, stern, and could wither his students with a glare. Not to mention that he didn’t find Jake’s antics charming. He never said it out loud, but Jake could tell by the aforementioned glares.


Noelle had no idea what forces always tied her to men with glowing eyes. Glowing eyes and headaches, she assumed when the large man passed a mug and some small pills to the other. In another time, perhaps she would laugh about the first time this group had been together since the cafeteria mishap would include Tobi unconscious, Noelle liquifying, Dr. McKay nursing a migraine, and Jake rubbing his snot crusted sleeve on a VERY expensive chair (quite possibly early 20th century, if Noelle had to make her bets). Thank goodness it seemed Sam was alright- while this was her first formal meeting with the man, she knew that the kindness that he had shown would be something she would hold onto once she got past this wretched situation. He had been so tender in wrapping her hands, she had almost cried.

She broke her gaze from her mentor- no, not mentor, she lost that right by missing a lesson, she reminded herself with a pit in her stomach- from the professor to stare tenderly at her sleeping boyfriend. Of course, he had burned himself out. Just as Noelle quietly refused to tell her friends at what lengths the ink pulled her, she knew her boyfriend refrained to tell her at how far he let his reach go to find her.

All in vain.

She chewed into her lip which was threatening to break skin once again. Why did she do this to him? School was already tough enough, Med School was tough enough. Now she had entrapped him in a relationship with an anxious worrywart who now could randomly disappear. Her mind was like the old film stereoscope, flipping between the incidents at the cafeteria and family day and in his dorm going over legal documents and his birthday. She was truly a tornado in his life, she thought bitterly, before looking back at the white-haired man.

“Dr. McKAy… I am.. I am so sorry. I.. I didn’t mean to miss our appointment. Everything happened so fast, and I didn’t mean to waste your valuable time. I didn’t mean to disappoi-” Noelle cut herself off quickly, blinking the tears from her eyes. The silence that stretched for a moment over the conscious “I didn’t mean to take advantage of your patience with me.”

Her eyes snapped back to her knees as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Hot embarrassment rushed over her as her ink began to leak even more in reaction. She silently mumbles the mildest of curses as she adjusted her arms so that they were making more of a mess of her clothes, rather than the couch. As much as she didn’t want to in this moment, the opinion and esteem of the man in front of her were important. He shouldn’t be seeing her so unstable, so out of control. She was supposed to be a model student, supposed to not crack under the pressure and rise to the expectations laid out by the man. And she had failed on the most basic level of not even showing up. Tears began to prickle once more, but she blinked them aware furiously.
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Age : 28
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:45 am

“Noelle,” Laz begins, stops, sighs. “If missing a lesson with me is highest on your list of worries right now…” he trails off, voice a strange mix of disbelief and tired exasperation. He shakes his head, the rest of the sentence discarded with the motion. “Well to be frank, if this was what you were occupied with, I do not care in the slightest that you missed your last lesson. I would even advise you to take a few of the upcoming lessons pff to focus more on, well... “ his hand comes up to motion at the whole of her. “Not doing that.”

Sam nudges him then. Not hard enough to disturb the mug in his hands, but enough that its significant. Green eyes narrow in a quiet admonishment. ‘Too harsh’ Laz could read on his face, so he tries again.

“Noelle, I am your teacher, nothing more.” A sigh escapes him as he leans a touch deeper into the couch behind him. Blue eyes study the two on his other (poor, abused) couch. He could only pray that the towels were doing their job well enough to keep the old upholstery clean. If not, well. It wouldn’t be the first time they had reupholstered one of their pieces. He can feel the soft pressure in his side as Sam nudges him again. Right. Not the topic at hand. “Any lessons that we have together should come second to your health. I should have specified sooner."

He sits there in his husband's hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants watching the two of them (three if one included the large comatose boy in the armchair). Pale hands raise the mug of coffee to his lips. Perhaps it was a good thing they had barged in like this. His migraine outfit would go a long way in shattering any sort of blind admiration either of the two of them might have held towards him, though he does suspect Jake might have never felt anything of the sort with the way he acts in class. Really, there was a reason he was a few points from failing at this point in the semester. With what hes seen of the boy's latest paper, he might well and truly be failing sooner rather than later.

He takes a moment to mourn the loss of his previously pristine image in the minds of theres students before continuing. Really, it was a pity.

"And really, if anyone's time is more valuable its yours, considering you do have less of it."

He can feel rather than see Sam roll his eyes next to him. "He means no offense." Sam adds. Laz huffs; he was going to add that. Possibly.

"We are rather old." Sam steam rolls over his unvoiced thoughts. "And will continue to be very old unless circumstances change dramatically in ways I'm unaware of." His eyes widen then, as if hes suddenly realized something. Heavy, dark arms come to forwards to rest on his legs as he leans towards towards them. "Would you like anything? I should have asked earlier when I grabbed the towels. We have tea, coffee, water -"

"Some very good scones, as well." Lazarus adds.
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:08 pm
Noelle couldn’t help but squirm underneath the gaze of the professor. The pit in her stomach grew as he spoke, but she tried so very hard to listen past the callous nature of the words. Logically, she knew that any educator would understand if their student was not in class due to… medical reasons? Is that what they were going to call the inky liquid sploshing onto the towels? Logically, she knew this situation would be excusable. Especially with Dr. McKay, a man who knew his way around the in’s and outs of mutants. Or so she assumed. He had to! With how long he has been around. Logically, she knew all this.

But, in another rare instance, logic was not ruling her mind. When taking mental stock, she found this: She was scared. She was nervous. And she was hurt. Heart aching, stomach twisting hurt. Her eyes flick back to Tobi for a moment as Dr. McKay paused and leaned back further into his couch, the sweatshirt and sweatpants becoming so incredibly crumpled. She had to admit, when she looked back, she was still expecting the fine, pressed three-piece suit with the fancy lining and hidden patterns. She was sure she would never adjust to him like this after so many weeks of lessons.


“And really, if anyone's time is more valuable it's yours, considering you do have less of it."

The words made her shift back to the present and snap her attention fully on the man. Her brown eyes might have looked smaller without her glasses, they were still large and doe-like as she studied his face. The words were a little cool to the ear, but she could sense the core of the statement. Right now? She had to care for herself.

Jake, on the other hand, had no idea what the man was talking about. But perked up when food was offered. Of course, he ‘perked up’ a little too quickly and became light-headed from the velocity of the said ‘perking up’. He took a deep breath and released a loud sneeze, catching it in his elbow in the nick of time.

“I’ll take some water! And scones!” His eyes switched to Noelle, who shook her head very slowly at the question. Jake frowned- he knew he hadn’t seen Noelle eat anything since she came back. And he had never seen her deny a request for tea! But, it was her choice. And he didn’t want to out her in front of the older men for not taking care of herself. She had gone through so much right now.

Jake let out another, albeit, smaller sneeze before looking back up at Sam “Aw, it’s okay man. I don’t think you’re old- you got so much life left to live!”

With another sniff, he settled back down as Noelle looked back at Lazarus. “Thank you, Dr. McKay…. I should have realized that. I just… it happened so quickly. I was here, looking for my cat and-”

She broke off, not wanting to admit how she had melted away to reappear hundreds of miles away. Admitting that made the whole situation… real
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:26 am
“Not too old,” Sam parrots with a laugh as he rises. “You’re too kind.  Water and scones, I got it.” He’s gone a moment later past the doorway of the kitchen, leaving the four of them alone in the dark living room once more. The only light spilled from the side table lamp next to Lazarus; Sam knew that while the man preferred the dark for his migraines, he couldn’t actually see well in low to no light like he could. The man would surely be irate if he could see what Jake was doing to their poor couch. Wisely, he chooses not to say anything. Such matters could wait for happier times.

“Things happen.” He can hear his husband say in response to his anxious student. “Things associated with any sort of mutant powers happen more often than most. And tend to be more... troublesome in their effects. Not that mine does, I suppose, but Sam’s throughout the years -”

“Has caused many problems.” Sam calls from the kitchen. “The learning curve was rather intense.” He emerges a moment later with a large tray of whatever scones they had left all piled together (too much for one, but the perfect amount for two), as well as a large glass of water for Jake. He hands the two of them over to the boy, tossing a box of tissues over a moment later that lands in between the two sitting on the couch. “A lot of very unfortunate trial and error.”

“Quite a few civilizations, if I recall correctly.” Laz hums from his spot on the couch. Sam at least has the decency to wince at the memory.

“Those were the early days where if I so much as sneezed, something catastrophic happened.” He groans, flopping back down onto his previous spot, one arm draping back behind the man next to him. “You weren’t even there to really see it. It was easier back then to just bury myself for a good hundred years and try again later.” He makes a motion with his other hand as if just brushing the admission away. “I couldn’t even figure out how to look like this -” he motions towards himself - “until when? Recently, in the scheme of things.”

“And thank god for that. The point is,” Laz says, gripping the conversation thread and yanking it forcefully back to the topic at hand. “Not everything is easy to control. Sometimes things happen that do cause collateral, or bring about consequences that we cannot possibly foresee. It happens. And when it does happen, we learn from it. There will always be those around that are willing to help you pick up the pieces.”

“No matter how many pieces you happen to leave.”  Sam adds.
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:18 pm
Noelle’s focus was like a laser when Dr. McKay spoke once again- it was precise and unwavering. He spoke so casually of mistakes that were made, of how mutation often exacerbated those mistakes into something bigger. Her pinpointed gaze shifted to Sam as he took over, walking into the room with a tray of scones that looked so delicious that Noelle’s finicky stomach grumbled ever so.

She suddenly remembered that the last time she ate had been before any of this had happened. 2 days ago. Of course, she knew that. Jake and Tobi’s first instinct was to try to get her to eat, but she told them she wasn’t hungry. Or thirsty. Or even really that tired. Sure, she felt on edge and anxious and like she wanted to crawl out of her skin and she couldn’t feel her leg or arm, which was frightening. She felt like her brain was just screaming with incoherent thought, just a string of pressure as a slinky, slightly sinister voice purred in the back of her mind. But her physical needs were met.

But those scones looked good.

A tentative hand reached out and grabbed one as Sam and Dr. McKay continued to speak. Noelle understood the gist, even if she did not know the details. Sam’s abilities sound much like hers on a much bigger scale in a way- sure, Noelle did not ruin anything more than possibly a rug or two with her ink. Causing catastrophic damage to civilizations was not in her wheelhouse, which did make her feel a little better in some way. She raised the scone to her lips and took a small, dainty bite, and wow, it was somehow even tastier than it looked. It was thick, and crumbled in the most satisfying way in her mouth, but not onto her lap. She even allowed herself to relax into the taste, sitting back for a moment to relish. While doing so, without her notice, the ink dripped down her leg, no longer staring at her thigh, but down to her knee. Where it had once been only revealed untouched leg- no stain, no evidence of what had been there.

They spoke of control. And pieces. And, Noelle thought, there weren’t many pieces for her to pick up. Jake and Tobi still cared about her, that much was evident. They both ran through hell and high water to find her. And her schoolwork was going to be fine- it sounded as if classes had been canceled anyway. Dr. McKay didn’t hate her- on the contrary, the harebrained scheme to ask him for help had worked. He ha understood her plight to a degree. The only thing was… herself.

How she was feeling.

“I… I suppose I understand.” Noelle nodded, staring at Dr. McKay and his husband with her wide brown eyes “I mean, this has been something that we… I had been ignoring since the… the incident in the cafeteria. And I meant to talk about it but.. I was ashamed. And scared. I didn’t want to add to… everything that is already going on.”

Her eyes flick to Tobi once again, softening back into something much warmer. Something longing for only weeks ago, months ago, when she hadn't come in and made his life so complicated. The man didn’t need all this- the scrutiny of others, the stress of school, the pressure from the school board and idiotic lawyers, and winter coming. If only she had told him sooner and realized what she was slowly working out now…..

Her thought process was interrupted by the sounds of savagery next to her. Jake, in all his qualities, was not the neatest eater. Crumbs lined his mouth as he reached for a third scone, but not before he wiped his nose with the end of his sleeve once again. He ate like a starving man, as he usually did, but something about the watery eyes and green tint to the skin made him look even more pathetic as if he knew this was the last meal he would have in a while. He let out another sneeze into his elbow before taking a bite of the scone.

“Now-” He said, mouth full of buttery crumbs “What do we gotta do to get rid of all the goo? Like for real.”
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:57 pm
Lazarus watches the children in front of him tear into the scones with varying levels of enthusiasm. The way Jake is eating, there must be crumbs in the couch; he could only imagine the damage the young man was doing to the poor piece of furniture. The annoyance he’s feeling is overpowered by the way Sam is quietly preening next to him, satisfaction at the both of them eating enough to dampen any sort of reproach Laz had been about to fling towards the young man stuffing crumbs down the couch crevices. He sighs instead, laying a hand on the leg of the man next to him.

Kids first, couch second, he reminds himself.

“Life is very complicated.” he says, feeling it deep in his bones. Life was complicated, even more so now that these children had entered his life. Since that day in the cafeteria, he’s been hounded, bothered, imposed upon; he had about lost it the one night Sam had come home and absently informed him that someone had come into his office asking about the incident. Very dumb on the reporter’s part considering the employees Sam kept. He doubted any would have the courage to try again. For all that their lives had been interrupted, however, they could weather it. They had experience, these kids did not. Honestly, he hadn’t even really considered how they might be handling the stress. Not well, apparently.

“Now-” Jake said, mouth full of buttery crumbs “What do we gotta do to get rid of all the goo? Like for real.”

A grumble escapes him as his fingers curl in the heavy fabric of Sam’s sweatpants. The man thankfully takes the hint.

“Oh, no idea.” Sam says. “Usually, I sleep, not really by choice, but it’s different for everyone. Tobias?” He nods towards the comatose man on the chair doing a fantastic impression of a fallen log. “He sleeps. He and I, we just abort our higher functions for a bit. I’m not entirely sure what will do it for you, but I would recommend a possible break, a chance to relax. Maybe another scone, or an actual meal. I do know that ignoring it isn’t going to solve anything in the long run.”

“I am assuming that you’re staying.” Laz adds, eyes flicking to Tobi on the chair, then to the two of them. “I’m not sure how exactly the two of you would get him back to wherever you live.”
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Age : 28
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The McKay House  Empty Re: The McKay House

Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:27 pm
Noelle shifted in her seat, careful to take the smallest bites of her scone before answering. It not only gave her time to calm down and enjoy the, quite frankly, amazing pastry, but it also gave her time to think. It was as if she had laid out a puzzle and thrown out the box- the larger picture was fuzzy in her brain and the only thing she could do was… pick up the pieces. She had already taken a couple of steps towards that- eating something was good. It was very good. And, for the first time in the presence of her illustrious professor, she allowed herself to sit back, not straight as a board, not hunched forward but leaning on the couch. Almost lounging. She listened carefully, ignoring Jakes's scarfing and sniffles.

She wishes she could just… sleep it off. It would make it so much easier. Maybe it was the strange fulfillment of her physical needs, maybe it was the anxiety, maybe it was denial. But sleep seemed impossible right now- she felt so tightly wired, so incredibly in tune with how numb her now-missing limbs were. Sleep was something that scared her a bit- what if she fell into that inky blackness again and didn’t come out to the other side? Maybe it was silly to think that but… stranger things have happened. Once she finished her scone, she chewed her lip, a tic that at least two in the room would recognize as anxious energy.

Then he asked if they were staying.

Jake’s head swiveled to look at Noelle, who was already looking back at him. Stay? Here? The idea made her want to melt all over again! The thought of imposing, of putting more on these men’s plate was daunting. But of course, Jake wiped the remnants of the last scone from his face and smiled that crooked grin at the old men cuddling on the couch.

“Of course we are gonna stay! Ain’t got anywhere else to go- you mind if Steve-o watches your cat, Noelle?”

The answer was a slow blink and a nod, as the wide-eyed gaze turns back to the men that were slowly folding into each other once more. Again, she was struck at how CASUAL this all was. As if Tobi wasn’t passed out next to her, as if she wasn’t missing body parts. While Jaked grabbed his phone and started texting his friend, Noelle spoke quietly.

“If it’s not too much trouble of course. Thank you… It is very kind of you to offer.”

Finally, Jake shoved his phone back into his pocket, dusting the last of the crumbs off his fingers. He sprung up, swaying a bit from the quickness of everything, from his floaty head and stuffed up sinuses. He gave a smile, first to Noelle, then to the men, before asking:

“Can we make some tea? Tea sounds really good right now. I can make it!”

Noelle knew the question was pointed at her. In their limited time together, Jake had already picked up how a hot drink could calm her down. She sighed, turning her attention back to the slumbering giant. While Jake distracted Dr. McKay, she gently reached out her hand to his, which dangled from his side. The rough, calloused skin felt so foreign, yet so, so so familiar. She begun to trace patterns for a moment, tracing words spoken, tracing the things that they had found, the things they had lost. He had earned this sleep, he needed this sleep. He had spent himself just reaching out for her. The best she could do was be up and well when he awoke.

“I can also make dinner! Or Lunch. Linner? I dunno, I’m a pretty good cook-” Jake’s voice was cut off by yet another sneeze into his elbow, this one bending his body in half and making him light-headed once again.
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